Air Duct InfoLearn a lil' somethin' while yer here.

Updated on November 26th 2023
Hand holding dryer lint filter partially covered by pink lint

Maybe you’ve heard people mention dryer lint before but you weren’t too sure what they were really talking about or perhaps you have a good idea what it is but you don’t know whether it’s something you need to worry about. Whatever the case, you will find all th...


White indoor air vent cover

If you have ever had to deal with mold, you won’t need us to tell you just how difficult it can be to get rid of or how unappealing it can make your home look. Mold outbreaks are unsightly and can quickly ruin the appearance of even the most well-decorated of properties. However, mold is more than...


Air Duct Cleaning Scams

Some air duct cleaning companies are being targeted for scams. Here are some red flags we have seen on the internet and Facebook:

  • Facebook specials directly from a person's profile. We only post through our Facebook business page, which has our logo and links to our website.
  • Someone wants you...


Hand circling desktop calender date beside white MP3 player and stamper tool

The dryer vent is one of the most important components of a household dryer as it can have a significant negative impact on performance if it is not properly maintained. All of the hot, moist air that is produced during a drying cycle is vented to the outside through this single vent, which, as yo...


Start Breathing Easier.

Your air ducts are the lungs of your home and keeping them clean keeps you and your family healthier and your HVAC equipment working optimally.