Why Pet Owners Need Air Duct Cleaning More Often

Large brown dog in dog bed on wooden floor

Pets are a major contributor to unwanted airborne materials accumulating in the air ducts. The amount of airborne detritus that winds up in your air ducts can be twice as much if you have pets. Most of that material takes the form of pet hair and pet dander and dogs and cats shed far more of it than most Arvada homeowners realize. If you have pets it’s important to hire Steve’s Air Duct Cleaning at least once a year to make sure your ductwork is always clean, efficient, and hygienic.

Why Pet Owners Need More Frequent Air Duct Cleaning

Pets make an invaluable contribution to our quality of life, but everything has a downside. Here are just a few reasons why pet owners need to have their air ducts cleaned more frequently than others.

Reason #1: Pet hair and pet dander reduce the efficiency of your HVAC system

One very subtle downside of pets is the amount of hair and dander that they are constantly releasing into the air. In most cases, we can't see it. But it's there and when it gets into the ductwork it circulates and accumulates, driving down the quality of air everyone is breathing, aggravating allergies and respiratory conditions like asthma and bronchitis, and reducing the efficiency of the whole HVAC system.

"How's that?" you say. Well, for one thing when the ductwork is lined with pet hair and pet dander, on top of the dirt, pollen, soot, and dust that's already in there, it creates resistance that forces the system to work harder to circulate air at the usual rate. In addition, the system's filter can become clogged with pet hair, drastically reducing its effectiveness and choking off airflow, again causing the system to work harder. All that extra effort uses extra energy which means extra large energy bills.

A system that has to work extra hard all the time is also a system that is not going to last as long as it should. Regular HVAC cleaning can ensure pet products don’t produce health problems, bigger energy bills, and long-term damage to the HVAC system.

Reason #2: To eliminate offensive pet odors

Does your home routinely smell like a cross between B.O. and dirty laundry even after you’ve just cleaned up? Chances are pretty good your pets are the wellspring of the offensive odors. And it’s not because they have peed on the couch or some such thing (although they may have done that too).

Pets perspire all the time, but unlike humans, they sweat through the bottom of their paws. Some of the sweat they emit eventually evaporates, the chemical compounds become airborne and they get sucked into the ductwork where they fester, producing an unpleasant odor that the system circulates throughout the house. Regular air vent cleaning can prevent this from happening.

Reason #3: Because pets undermine indoor air quality

We love pets as much as anyone but we are also realistic about them. The fact is humans were not meant to live with other species. While we can often do a decent job counteracting the negative effects of interspecies living, some of the negative aspects need more attention than others.

For instance, the hair, dander, fur, and other byproducts pets release or shed contain proteins that can irritate the respiratory tract. If these proteins get into the ductwork they will be circulated throughout the house causing respiratory distress, especially to inhabitants with pre-existing respiratory conditions.

And this is not a one-time thing. Every time your system powers up and pushes air through the ducts you'll be bombarded by these malicious compounds. Fortunately, there's an answer: regular vent cleaning.

Why You Need Professional Air Duct Cleaning

There are lots of dedicated DIYers out there who are convinced they can handle something as seemingly straightforward as air vent cleaning. They’re mistaken. The process of cleaning air ducts requires both special equipment and specialized training. If a person does not have both there’s a better than even chance they will do more harm than good by loosening materials in the ductwork without collecting it, forcing harmful materials out onto surfaces in living areas, and perhaps damaging the ducts themselves.

When you hire the team at Steve’s you benefit from our nearly 45 years of experience providing first-class home maintenance services to the people of Arvada and beyond. We don’t make the kind of rookie mistakes less experienced people will and we’re fully insured so you never have to worry about being left with a bill in the (unlikely) event of an accident.

Get in Touch With Steve’s

For the sake of your family and your pets do everyone a favor and contact Steve’s about having your air ducts professionally cleaned. We’re easy to find, just search for "duct cleaning near me" or contact Steve's Air Duct Cleaning by calling 720-419-7792.

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Start Breathing Easier.

Your air ducts are the lungs of your home and keeping them clean keeps you and your family healthier and your HVAC equipment working optimally.